DxFLEX Flow Cytometer

DxFLEX is a new clinical flow cytometry platform derived from the successful CytoFLEX. The advanced sensitivity and intuitive software DxFLEX makes flow cytometry routine for both novice and expert flow cytometry technicians and promotes standardization. Functionality in the autoloader facilitates accurate results and sample tracking.

  • Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) detection modules offer superior signal resolution
  • Simplified system settings, data acquisition & result export functions
  • Different instrument configurations available with up to 3-laser and 13-color detection
  • Optional DxFLEX Autoloader decreases the hands on time with multiple tube loading and plate loading*
  • Compact design for use in biological safety cabinets

DxFLEX is an IVD instrument that is available only in countries where the regulatory approval is obtained from the local regulatory agencies. Please check with your local sales representatives before placing your orders.

* Plate adapter: Regulatory status differs by region, please consult your local sales representative.

DxFLEX Flow Cytometer Features

A compact design, intuitive software, up to 13-color detection and an enhanced optical path for increased sensitivity ensure accurate results and makes flow cytometry data collection easy even for novice users.

Flow System

  • Inlet system for 12×75 mm & micro-scale sample tube loading via single tube loader(up to 30,000 events per sec)
  • DxFLEX Autoloader is compatible with 32-tube carousel and 96-well plates*
  • Preset cleaning & maintenance programs with automatic maintenance reminders for easy maintenance
  • Three preset sample rates (high; medium; low) plus user-controlled option 

* Plate loading is not available as CE-IVD

Software inteligente

  • Interface intuitiva simples e otimização de parâmetros automatizada para melhorar a eficiência do trabalho
  • Ferramentas operacionais gráficas para ajustar o threshold, o ganho e a compensação, entre outros, diretamente no gráfico de resultados
  • Biblioteca de compensação útil que armazena valores de compensação de corantes fluorescentes em experimentos multicores para uso futuro
  • Interface bilíngue chinês/inglês


Standardized QC

  • Automated instrument quality control procedures & reporting (laser delay/power, channel gain, mean fluorescence intensity, rCV) for more reliable stable results
  • Standardization procedure can be used to monitor Median Fluorescent Intensity (MFI) and track gain changes for assays.

Optical System

  • The DxFLEX flow cytometer uses Avalanche Photodiode detectors instead of PMTs. The low electronic noise contributes to the resolution capabilities of the instrument.
  • Wavelength Division Multiplexer uses bandpass filters to deconstruct the light and efficiently deliver to the detectors by fiber optics.

Introducing the DxFLEX Flow Cytometer


Learn more about the DxFLEX System

Streamline Leukemia and Lymphoma* Analysis

* For Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma only

Explore DxFLEX Models

Content and Resources

ClearLLab 10C Panels Casebook (PDF) IVD Antibody Combinations for Leukemia / Lymphoma* Analysis (*Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma only)

Documentos técnicos

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