Biomek Ponteiras de Pipetas
As ponteiras de pipetas Biomek são as únicas pontas no mercado que são validadas e aprovadas para uso nas estações de trabalho automatizadas Biomek. Nossas ponteiras estão disponíveis com capacidades de volume de 0,5 μl a 1 ml. O Software Biomek é pré-carregado com ícones do suporte de ponteiras codificado a cores, definições de ponteiras e técnicas de pipetagem para ajudar a simplificar o desenvolvimento do seu método.
Além disso, a Beckman Coulter Life Sciences oferece certificações biológicas, tais como para amostras humanas e de camundongo sem DNA e sem DNase/RNase, sem traços de metais e sem Pirógenos/Endotoxinas, e são produzidas somente com polipropileno virgem premium 100% puro. As pontas estéreis são esterilizadas com óxido de etileno, um processo que mostrou ser superior à radiação, especialmente quando se trabalha com ácidos nucleicos.
Biomek Pipette Tips by Volume Capacity

Pipette large volumes with ease.
Maximum volume:
iSeries 1070 μL | with filter 1025 μL
FX/NX 1070 μL | with filter 1025 μL
5 racks/case
Great for applications where you need to aspirate large volumes, perfect for bead mixing for bead-based chemistry, large reservoir mixing, cell culture, cell plating and sucrose gradients

The Workhorse.
Maximum volume:
iSeries 230 μL | with filter 190 μL
FX/NX 220 μL | with filter 125 μL | Span-8 190 μL
Great for genomics workflows and drug discovery applications, serial dilutions, ELISA and cell staining. Wide-bore edition supports 3D cell culture applications.

Experience less clipping and dead volume with our P50 tips. Plus, the longer tip barrel makes it more suitable for accessing tubes, leading to lower contamination risk
Maximum volume:
iSeries 90 μL | with filter 50 μL
FX/NX 90 μL | with filter 50 μL
Ideal for genomics applications, TST 170, Nexterra Flex, NGS library prep, Axiom, proteomics (protein digest) and compound addition.
Not available for the Biomek 2000, not available in wide-bore

Sheer Throughput.
Maximum volume:
iSeries 30 μL | with filter 25 μL
Great for high-throughput screening.
Not available for the Biomek 2000, 3000, or 4000. Not available in conductive or wide-bore options.

A longer version of our P30.
Maximum volume:
iSeries 50 μL | with filter 40 μL
Also great for high-throughput screening.
Not available for Biomek 2000, 3000, 4000. Not available in conductive or wide-bore options.

Old reliable.
Maximum volume:
iSeries 80 μL | with filter 40 μL
FX/NX 80 μL | with filter 40 μL
Ideal for genomics (NGS) applications with lower volume needs.
Not available in wide-bore.
Features for Your Workflows
Conductive tips enable liquid-level sensing. For when your sample size is very small, it allows you to reduce the amount of wetted surface and preserve your valuable samples.