Microfluidic FlowerPlate

Gen2 Microfluidic FlowerPlate microtiter plate

The patented FlowerPlate MTP is optimized for orbital shakers with a 3 mm orbit.

The plates for online cultivations have a clear bottom and are available without optodes or with pH and DO optodes.


  • Accurate liquid transfer: CV of pumped liquid volumes ≤ 6%
  • Multiparameter reading possible in 32 parallel bioreactors
  • Flower shape acts like baffles (suitable for cultivations of bacteria and yeast)
  • High mass transfer OTR = 30-110 mmol/L/h (kLa = 100-650 h-1)
  • Wide volume range (800-1900 μL)
  • Maximum: 665 pump strokes per hour
  • Scalability to production fermentors
  • No optical cross talk
  • Effective mixing

Explore BioLector Microfluid Flowerplate Models

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